Mike Dessin's Amazing Recovery Story

Mike Dessin's Amazing Recovery Story 2015-11-18


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort submitted a new resource:

Mike Dessin's Amazing Recovery Story - From near death to pumping weights: a severe ill patient recovers

Yea, I had asthma, a good amount of anxiety and chest infections twice a year but I was never too sick to stop from running cross country, playing basketball, hanging out with friends and doing all the things any normal kid would do.
“(I was) never too sick to stop.. from running cross country, playing basketball, hanging out with friends and doing all the things any normal kid would do.”​
Our family’s best friend was a doctor, so we always got excellent treatment when...

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Active Member
Cort submitted a new resource:

Mike Dessin's Amazing Recovery Story - From near death to pumping weights: a severe ill patient recovers

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Mike, your story chilled me to the bone. To be able to recover from this horrible nightmare is absolutely amazing. In your account, you mention that you had been tested for amino acids and since amino acid therapy gave me back 80% of my neurological function, I have a couple of questions for you. What was in the nutrition your doctor gave you, that you could tolerate despite all your allergies? Was it perhaps amino acid therapy? If not, could you explain to us exactly what it included? I still cannot digest food, especially protein, so I have to take a prescription of amino acids every day. Thank you for sharing your story and it's message of hope, to never give up our search for answers, no matter how difficult our journey can be.


Well-Known Member
The story was so heart-breaking to read but I really wish that it would of went into what the 'miracle' treatment the doctor was giving him was so we could try it too.


Well-Known Member
interesting. I recall a story from a month or more back of a very sick person whose parents had found an amino acid deficiency and were hoping treating that might have some effect. Perhaps I should try my bottle of tablets again. I have trouble remembering to take everything :)


Active Member
Mike, thanks for responding to my questions. Amino acid therapy has been a true miracle for me as well. It's too bad we never hear of this live saving treatment. Perhaps it's because the drug companies cannot patent it. For those people that are interested in amino acid therapy, the test involves only a 24 hour urine collection. My Naturopath Dr. then sent it to a lab. in the USA called DOCTOR'S DATA. With the results, came the prescription I needed. It was then filled by a compounding pharmacy. There are various amino acid preparations for sale out there, but not getting the right combo. for you can cause problems. If your Doctor is not willing to have you tested, you may want to seek out a Holistic/Integrative/Naturopath Dr. To find a lab close to you, google "labs that do amino acid testing". Mike, if you're interested in my story on Health Rising, click on Home, scroll down to Latest Blogs and click 17 years a FM/ND story parts 1 and 2. Wishing you continued good health. What else is more important!
Mike, thanks for responding to my questions. Amino acid therapy has been a true miracle for me as well. It's too bad we never hear of this live saving treatment. Perhaps it's because the drug companies cannot patent it. For those people that are interested in amino acid therapy, the test involves only a 24 hour urine collection. My Naturopath Dr. then sent it to a lab. in the USA called DOCTOR'S DATA. With the results, came the prescription I needed. It was then filled by a compounding pharmacy. There are various amino acid preparations for sale out there, but not getting the right combo. for you can cause problems. If your Doctor is not willing to have you tested, you may want to seek out a Holistic/Integrative/Naturopath Dr. To find a lab close to you, google "labs that do amino acid testing". Mike, if you're interested in my story on Health Rising, click on Home, scroll down to Latest Blogs and click 17 years a FM/ND story parts 1 and 2. Wishing you continued good health. What else is more important!

For sure! Just getting those basic building blocks in our system is a good start in this battle..will def check out your story tomorrow..gotta get some rest! Cheers


Active Member
Cort, As I was reading Mike's story, Whitney Dafoe was very much on my mind. Perhaps you can notify his family about this new Amino Acid miracle story of recovery. Also, would you consider doing an article on Amino Acid therapy for ME/CFS/FM. I googled "Drs. using Amino Acid therapy" and found a good one by Dr. David Gersten. I know you're really busy, so if you want some help hunting out more, I'd be happy to help.


Well-Known Member
Since I'm in the uk finding tests isn't as easy as it is in America. In searching for some I came across Dr MyHill's advice on what to avooid before a test
  • Patients should be fasting for 8-12 hours (water only), having drunk enough fluids to quench thirst on the day/evening prior to collection and bladder should be completely emptied the night before collection. Do not collect sample during menstruation. Discontinue supplementation (including creatine, alpha-ketoglutarate, malic acid; citrate, malate, or orotate form of minerals) 4 days prior to testing unless wishing to monitor therapy.
  • Avoid eating all of the following foods for 24 hours prior to testing. : apples. plums, prunes, cherries, cranberries, grapes, pineapple, fruit juices, bananas, rhubarb, plaintain, kiwi, raisins, tomatoes, avocado, walnuts, pecans, butternuts, hickory nuts, soda pop, wine, cream of tartar (check labels on baked goods), benzoate (preservative) and sweetener.
(source http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Organic_acids_present_in_urine_(Metabolic_Analysis_Profile) ) also explains why it's not the first test she does

a uk test service http://bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk/ep...8-864a-f492cbae7827.sf/en_GB/?ObjectID=472076

and a (cheaper) blood test http://www.essentianutrition.co.uk/tests.htm
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Active Member
Since I'm in the uk finding tests isn't as easy as it is in America. In searching for some I came across Dr MyHill's advice on what to avooid before a test
  • Patients should be fasting for 8-12 hours (water only), having drunk enough fluids to quench thirst on the day/evening prior to collection and bladder should be completely emptied the night before collection. Do not collect sample during menstruation. Discontinue supplementation (including creatine, alpha-ketoglutarate, malic acid; citrate, malate, or orotate form of minerals) 4 days prior to testing unless wishing to monitor therapy.
  • Avoid eating all of the following foods for 24 hours prior to testing. : apples. plums, prunes, cherries, cranberries, grapes, pineapple, fruit juices, bananas, rhubarb, plaintain, kiwi, raisins, tomatoes, avocado, walnuts, pecans, butternuts, hickory nuts, soda pop, wine, cream of tartar (check labels on baked goods), benzoate (preservative) and sweetener.
(source http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Organic_acids_present_in_urine_(Metabolic_Analysis_Profile) ) also explains why it's not the first test she does

a uk test service http://bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk/ep...8-864a-f492cbae7827.sf/en_GB/?ObjectID=472076

and a (cheaper) blood test http://www.essentianutrition.co.uk/tests.htm

There were no food or liquid restriction before or during my 24 hour urine collection and only the amino acid status was tested. The protocol for testing various substances at once, may be different from mine.


Well-Known Member
Cort, As I was reading Mike's story, Whitney Dafoe was very much on my mind. Perhaps you can notify his family about this new Amino Acid miracle story of recovery. Also, would you consider doing an article on Amino Acid therapy for ME/CFS/FM. I googled "Drs. using Amino Acid therapy" and found a good one by Dr. David Gersten. I know you're really busy, so if you want some help hunting out more, I'd be happy to help.
Dr. David Gersten had CFS at one time.............and it was amino acid therapy that really helped him. I cant remember if he took other things as well. Anyway..... that's why he became interested in it. I don't know if he does IV therapy?
There is a company (forgot name at the moment) that will take amino acid lab test results and make a specific formula just for you based on those results.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Eddie...My doctor gave me IV aminosyn :)
Hi Michael.............wow a Dr. that gives amino acids via IV. You don't come across many of those! I think amino acids are extremely important. Your story mentioned several viruses that you had and I am curious if you took any anti-viral supplements of any kind?...........or was it mainly just the IV aminosyn? I am so happy for you and your recovery.:)
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Hi Michael.............wow a Dr. that gives amino acids via IV. You don't come across many of those! I think amino acids are extremely important. Your story mentioned several viruses that you had and I am curious if you took any anti-viral supplements of any kind?...........or was it mainly just the IV aminosyn? I am so happy for you and your recovery.:)

Hi tam7...Thank you...so I mainly was forced into iv aminos as I was around 100 lbs and needed a pic line for intravenious feeding..never took antivirals..I took various pleo formulas instead :)


I had been sick for 10 years when I finally found a doctor who tested my amino acid levels (using the blood test from Quest Labs). While I hadn't wasted away quite as much as Mike I was 136lb on a 6'4" frame. Virtually all of my amino acids were out of range (below the low end of what the lab said was normal, both for essential and non-essential amino acids) and in my experience it is pretty hard to score below normal on blood tests.

My doctor said she had seen maybe only one other patient like that in her 15 years of practice. I took powdered amino acids mixed with water and had to start with very small amounts to avoid adverse reactions, around 1/4tsp per day, probably because my body was so starved. I took them for a couple months and never very in large amounts but it seemed to be enough to bring levels up and get things going in the right direction as my next blood test had levels back mostly above the low end of normal and a third and fourth test 5-7 years later showed middle to upper range levels.

I should add that when my amino acids were originally tested I had been eating a gluten and sugar free, high protein diet (around 100g/day) for over 5 years so it was an issue of digestion/absorption not a lack of protein in my diet.

I think the Amino Acids were key in my case however I did take a few other supplements like Pregnenolone (blood levels go undetectable unless I take it), Vit D and MethlyB12/Methylfolate (which I have tolerated ok).

While my weight is now stabilized at around 155lb these interventions only stabilized me and got me going in the right direction. I still am only around 50% and not able to work so am starting with a new doctor who is going to look more comprehensively at pathogens, mold issues, and GI stuff.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I had been sick for 10 years when I finally found a doctor who tested my amino acid levels (using the blood test from Quest Labs). While I hadn't wasted away quite as much as Mike I was 136lb on a 6'4" frame. Virtually all of my amino acids were out of range (below the low end of what the lab said was normal, both for essential and non-essential amino acids) and in my experience it is pretty hard to score below normal on blood tests.

My doctor said she had seen maybe only one other patient like that in her 15 years of practice. I took powdered amino acids mixed with water and had to start with very small amounts to avoid adverse reactions, around 1/4tsp per day, probably because my body was so starved. I took them for a couple months and never very in large amounts but it seemed to be enough to bring levels up and get things going in the right direction as my next blood test had levels back mostly above the low end of normal and a third and fourth test 5-7 years later showed middle to upper range levels.

I should add that when my amino acids were originally tested I had been eating a gluten and sugar free, high protein diet (around 100g/day) for over 5 years so it was an issue of digestion/absorption not a lack of protein in my diet.

I think the Amino Acids were key in my case however I did take a few other supplements like Pregnenolone (blood levels go undetectable unless I take it), Vit D and MethlyB12/Methylfolate (which I have tolerated ok).

While my weight is now stabilized at around 155lb these interventions only stabilized me and got me going in the right direction. I still am only around 50% and not able to work so am starting with a new doctor who is going to look more comprehensively at pathogens, mold issues, and GI stuff.
Interesting JWest - Whitney Dafoe also has low amino acid levels. Some are off the charts low...Glad you are doing better and thanks for passing that on.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Good idea. I will. Some of the Whitney's amino acid tests are off the charts. They are so low that Ron Davis thinks they be playing a key role. I would definitely like some help with a blog on amino acid supplementation.

Cort, As I was reading Mike's story, Whitney Dafoe was very much on my mind. Perhaps you can notify his family about this new Amino Acid miracle story of recovery. Also, would you consider doing an article on Amino Acid therapy for ME/CFS/FM. I googled "Drs. using Amino Acid therapy" and found a good one by Dr. David Gersten. I know you're really busy, so if you want some help hunting out more, I'd be happy to help.
Good idea. I will. Some of the Whitney's amino acid tests are off the charts. They are so low that Ron Davis thinks they be playing a key role. I would definitely like some help with a blog on amino acid supplementation.

Whitney has low aminos because he doesn't eat..even though he is getting iv nutrition I hope he realizes this is not enough, he must eat as wll.

Jocelyn Murray

New Member
Cort submitted a new resource:

Mike Dessin's Amazing Recovery Story - From near death to pumping weights: a severe ill patient recovers

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This is the saddest CFS/ME account I've ever read. As a long time CFS sufferer, I've experienced some difficult times but I've always been lucky enough to have found medical support (although not from the mainstream medical community). I'm so sorry for what you've been through but so glad to hear of your recovery. I'm not aware of the amino acid therapy but will check it out.


Well-Known Member
I tried taking a general amino acid supplement, made me ill. I will try a smaller dose when Christmas/New Year visits are over.

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