This is exactly what has happened to me.
Now granted, I KNEW I still had mold in me plus the HLA gene--testing nine months ago proved it. That mold inhalation happened 4 years ago, and I started having problems 2 1/2 years ago. And I had clear brain inflammation nine months ago as well.
But the long-distance doctor who did the right tests never told me about "CIRS" (I would have researched it if he had), never told me that I needed certain supplements/amounts to aggressively lower the inflammation. And though I got a prescription for Cholestyramine, there was a whole lot I didn't understand about it's use, so my use was spotty. Nine months now of not treating things correctly (though I have been on the Rg3 spray and that helped my brain inflammation) and being on my own with miserable fatigue, low energy levels, bad crashing episodes, mito problems, the need for super high amounts of ubiquinol, brand new methylation problems, low nutrient levels, high RT3 and ordering many different kinds of valuable tests and treating the results on my own--two OATs, Spectracell, hair heavy metal testing...on and on.
Bottom line, I concluded that the mold plus high heavy metals I had to detox twice, caused what I thought was ME/CFS in me. Depressing.
But I was dead wrong all this time. I now know I have CIRS as of yesterday as I'm writing this. I have done my own reading the past 24 hours and am now on several supplements to lower the inflammation, others to get my glutamate up....and already have less fatigue the FIRST day of using the anti-inflammatory supps. I also now better understand how to use the cholestyramine, and started that better administration today.
And I have asked for a consultation with Dr. Shoemaker...