Are you referring to the $5 sticks I mentioned and pictured above, that are sold on eBay under the title "
Alkaline Water Stick PH Alkalizer Ionizer Hydrogen Minerals Wand Purifier Filter"?
I think these $5 sticks
may make hydrogen water, but they look like an all singing all dancing product that does several things — according to the eBay blurb, they: alkalize the water, add they trace minerals (microelements) to the water, and possibly add colloidal silver to the water (since it mentions something about "nano silver powder")?
It does not explicitly say in the eBay blurb that it produces hydrogen water; it just has the word hydrogen in the product title.
If you were going to buy hydrogen water stick, I guess the safer option would be the Dr Hayashi product, as this is specifically advertised as a stick to make hydrogen rich water.
It says
According to
this webpage, the Dr Hayashi stick produces a H2 concentration of 0.4 to 1.5 ppm. And the webpage says:
If you want to try to create your own stick, you can buy 99.9% or 99.99% pure magnesium rods on eBay for around $2 each. I bought a couple of such rods (10 cm long, 2 cm wide) a few months ago. When you put these magnesium rods into tap water, very tiny bubbles of H2 do appear on the surface of the rod, but the bubbling is so very slow that I cannot imagine it is going to dissolve much H2 into the water. The reaction formula is:
Magnesium + Water —> Hydrogen Gas + Magnesium Hydroxide
Mg + H2O —> H2 + Mg(OH)2
However, when I add some malic acid to my water with the magnesium rod in it, then you do suddenly get a lot of bubbles of H2 gas being produced, and a much more vigorous reaction. But this is a different chemical reaction: it's now a reaction between magnesium and malic acid:
Magnesium + Malic Acid —> Hydrogen Gas + Magnesium Malate
Mg + C4H6O5 —> H2 + MgC4H4O5
What I can't understand is how the Dr Hayashi stick apparently produces such a vigorous reaction between the magnesium and ordinary water. The Hayashi stick I don't think uses any acids, since you just place it in water. You only need to leave the Hayashi stick in water for 20 minutes to prepare your H2 water. I am guessing the Hayashi stick must have some sort of catalyst to make magnesium's reaction with water faster.
The Hayashi stick blurb I quoted above says: "
A reaction between the magnesium and the water in the presence of far-infrared rays causes the production of hydrogen". So they are saying that far infrared light is the catalyst. But this sounds like a pseudoscientific marketing phrase.
Anyway, it is possible to react your $2 magnesium rod with malic acid, citric acid or acetic acid (vinegar), as that is how the guy in
the video I mentioned earlier makes his 3.5 ppm hydrogen rich water.
By the way, at
time code 13:25 in that video, it shows you how he uses the methylene blue drops to accurately measure the H2 ppm concentration in his hydrogen water.
Apparently, the digital ORP meters that you see some people use to gauge the strength of their hydrogen water are not an accurate way to determine H2 concentration,
according to the MHF.