@Remy, do you notice any increase in anger or irritability when taking hydrogen rich water?
I have now tried two types of hydrogen rich water, and they both seem to trigger anger or irritability in me (but then I find I am prone to this anger side effect, because I also get angry from hormonal supplements like DHEA or pregnenolone; I think the anger may result from my viral meningitis 10 years ago, because meningitis brain damage can result in anger and irritability issues).
One type of hydrogen rich water I tried was made from a $5 stick that I bought (the type of stick shown in the image I posted earlier), and this water made me energized, but also mildly more angry. I drank around 500 ml of that water each day.
But today I tried my own homemade system of producing hydrogen rich water, which works in a similar way to the 7.0 ppm Aquela hydrogen water generator, and I think my system likely produces water with a very high H2 concentration, much higher than the stick. I drank 250 ml of this homemade system hydrogen water, and it made me even more angry still, presumably because of its higher H2 content.
Being angry is not a nice feeling at all, especially when there is no reason for it (other than the fact that it was triggered by a medication, in this case the hydrogen water). I like to be relaxed and calm.
So with this side effect, hydrogen water may not be viable for me, unless I use low doses, below the threshold where it triggers anger.