'Should We All Be Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water?'


Well-Known Member
I didn't intend to go off-topic - I am in deep need and wanted to get Hip's information on the SOD. I still want to try the hydrogen water, but there is confusion over which method is viable; I'm going to research it further. Maybe someone else might locate solid information online - possibly someone who has done a comparison on the methods of producing hydrogen water. I like the idea, because water is cheaper than supplements. It's expensive dealing with protracted health challenges.

You probably have read the information about leaky gut hundreds of times while researching. But maybe it's worth another look. I've been trying hard to combat oxidative stress, and wondered why my efforts weren't paying off. I think it's due to leaky gut - at least in my case. I wondered if anyone might want to consider it again. No matter how many antioxidants one takes, it won't work if the gut continues to release contents into the bloodstream that continually causes inflammation and oxidative stress. I've been taking glutamine, emulsified vitamin A, and probiotics in an attempt to seal the gut. I think it might take longer than we realize. Also, I believe SIBO might be involved. When someone mentioned that to me before, I shrugged it off. I'd never heard of SIBO - now, they're words came to mind, and I've been addressing that possibility as well. I happened across this good article in case in might help someone: http://www.lapislight.com/wp/tag/inflammation/
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I didn't intend to go off-topic - I am in deep need and wanted to get Hip's information on the SOD. I still want to try the hydrogen water, but there is confusion over which method is viable; I'm going to research it further. Maybe someone else might locate solid information online - possibly someone who has done a comparison on the methods of producing hydrogen water. I like the idea, because water is cheaper than supplements. It's expensive dealing with protracted health challenges.

You probably have read the information about leaky gut hundreds of times while researching. But maybe it's worth another look. I've been trying hard to combat oxidative stress, and wondered why my efforts weren't paying off. I think it's due to leaky gut - at least in my case. I wondered if anyone might want to consider it again. No matter how many antioxidants one takes, it won't work if the gut continues to release contents into the bloodstream that continually causes inflammation and oxidative stress. I've been taking glutamine, emulsified vitamin A, and probiotics in an attempt to seal the gut. I think it might take longer than we realize. Also, I believe SIBO might be involved. When someone mentioned that to me before, I shrugged it off. I'd never heard of SIBO - now, they're words came to mind, and I've been addressing that possibility as well. I happened across this good article in case in might help someone: http://www.lapislight.com/wp/tag/inflammation/
Why don't you start a whole new thread so this one doesn't go off topic and more people will see your question?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't think I can do anything - had a bad day yesterday and a worse night, so think I'll give it a rest for awhile. I hope the SOD I ordered works. I'm thankful Hip shared that. No doctor did - they help to a point, as much as they know. When I feel better I'll look into the hydrogen water. I'm glad it worked for you - I've been spending a lot trying to get well so wanted to be careful what I chose. You can become destitute dealing with health problems - and worrying about paying for living expenses adds to the grief. So I'll check back in a little while.


Well-Known Member
I just had another look at that video by Glen Ingram on making DIY hydrogen water, and at timecode 11:08 he actually gives the name of the blue drops test kit he is using, which is called the H2Blue Test Kit. It's a bit expensive, though, at $30 for just 10 ml (which would work out to around 200 to 250 drops).

I am guessing it just contains methylene blue and colloidal platinum, as used in the study.


I just had another look at that video by Glen Ingram on making DIY hydrogen water, and at timecode 11:08 he actually gives the name of the blue drops test kit he is using, which is called the H2Blue Test Kit. It's a bit expensive, though, at $30 for just 10 ml (which would work out to around 200 to 250 drops).

I am guessing it just contains methylene blue and colloidal platinum, as used in the study.
Hmmmmmm...if this was $15, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. But now I'm curious! Good find!

I'll talk myself into it at some point today, I'm sure. :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm...if this was $15, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. But now I'm curious! Good find!

I'll talk myself into it at some point today, I'm sure.

Money saving tip: I think you have to add the drops to a standard amount of your hydrogen rich water, like 10 ml or something like that, in order to measure the ppm; in the video, he says he uses exactly half this standard amount, in order to halve the number of drops needed. So that way you conserve the product.

There also seems to be a Japanese version of this methylene blue product here, but I am not sure if they ship internationally. The cost is $30 for two bottles (you can buy it on this page).
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Well-Known Member
Another interesting post from the Longecity thread is this one, which details a hydrogen rich water generator which can produce H2 concentrations of 7.0 ppm, the highest I have seen. This product is the Aquela hydrogen water generator, costing around $100. It can be bought here (on that page they also sell methylene blue H2 concentration tester drops for $15).

7.0 ppm is a very high concentration, but the downside of this product is that refills are expensive: the refill price is such that to make half a liter of 7.0 ppm hydrogen rich water will cost around $2.50.
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Well-Known Member
I got a response from a company selling (and producing?) 3 types of H2 generators. I thought they also sell the glass jug, but I don't see that listed on their page. So the response is concerning H2 sticks versus the cup/flask. The vendor is in Florida. First, my question to them. 2nd, the response. The reference to the pitcher is an alkaline pitcher, not the H2 pitcher/jar that began this thread. But the answer that the cup needs only a $20/year replacement sounds like good value. And without the frequent cleaning required by the sticks.


I'm trying to decide between this flask, the jug, or the sticks for producing hydrogen-rich water. I've seen that sticks must be replaced every 6 months. Are there parts for the flask and the jug that need replacing? How frequently? Can you say which is the least expensive way for long term use? thank you.
Hi there is a replaceable alka stick in the H cup that is replaced 1 time a year cost is 19.99

fot alkaline water the EHM pitcher is the best


Another interesting post from the Longecity thread is this one, which details a hydrogen rich water generator which can produce H2 concentrations of 7.0 ppm, the highest I have seen. This product is the Aquela hydrogen water generator, costing around $100. It can be bought here (on that page they also sell methylene blue H2 concentration tester drops for $15).

7.0 ppm is a very high concentration, but the downside of this product is that refills are expensive: the refill price is such that to make half a liter of 7.0 ppm hydrogen rich water will cost around $2.50.
I think that would give you stomach cramps for sure...you'd have to drink a tiny amount! Which is probably OK too...

I'm afraid the directions for the concentration tester drops from Japan won't have English instructions. And I need instruction. :)


Well-Known Member
I think that would give you stomach cramps for sure...you'd have to drink a tiny amount! Which is probably OK too...

Is that one of the possible side effects of hydrogen rich water?

On the Longecity thread, they were examining the design of that 7.0 ppm product. From that discussion, I think you could make your own version for next to nothing, and power it with the H2-generating reaction between a $2 magnesium rod and vinegar, so that your running costs will be next to nothing also. I am looking into this right now.

The trouble is, without me also buying those drops, I will not be a able to measure the H2 concentration of my home-made device.
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Is that one of the possible side effects of hydrogen rich water?

On the Longecity thread, they were examining the design of that 7.0 ppm product. From that discussion, I think you could make your own version for next to nothing, and power it with the H2-generating reaction between a $2 magnesium rod and vinegar, so that your running costs will be next to nothing. I am looking into this now.

The trouble is, without me also buying those drops, I will not be a able to measure the H2 concentration of my home made device.
It is for me. If I drink too much too quickly, I definitely get a little queasy. It's not awful and it passes within a half hour usually but it's consistent. Now I've learned to drink the bottle a little more slowly and it's fine.


Well-Known Member
@Remy, do you notice any increase in anger or irritability when taking hydrogen rich water?

I have now tried two types of hydrogen rich water, and they both seem to trigger anger or irritability in me (but then I find I am prone to this anger side effect, because I also get angry from hormonal supplements like DHEA or pregnenolone; I think the anger may result from my viral meningitis 10 years ago, because meningitis brain damage can result in anger and irritability issues).

One type of hydrogen rich water I tried was made from a $5 stick that I bought (the type of stick shown in the image I posted earlier), and this water made me energized, but also mildly more angry. I drank around 500 ml of that water each day.

But today I tried my own homemade system of producing hydrogen rich water, which works in a similar way to the 7.0 ppm Aquela hydrogen water generator, and I think my system likely produces water with a very high H2 concentration, much higher than the stick. I drank 250 ml of this homemade system hydrogen water, and it made me even more angry still, presumably because of its higher H2 content.

Being angry is not a nice feeling at all, especially when there is no reason for it (other than the fact that it was triggered by a medication, in this case the hydrogen water). I like to be relaxed and calm.

So with this side effect, hydrogen water may not be viable for me, unless I use low doses, below the threshold where it triggers anger.


@Remy, do you notice any increase in anger or irritability when taking hydrogen rich water?

I have now tried two types of hydrogen rich water, and they both seem to trigger anger or irritability in me (but then I find I am prone to this anger side effect, because I also get angry from hormonal supplements like DHEA or pregnenolone; I think the anger may result from my viral meningitis 10 years ago, because meningitis brain damage can result in anger and irritability issues).

One type of hydrogen rich water I tried was made from a $5 stick that I bought (the type of stick shown in the image I posted earlier), and this water made me energized, but also mildly more angry. I drank around 500 ml of that water each day.

But today I tried my own homemade system of producing hydrogen rich water, which works in a similar way to the 7.0 ppm Aquela hydrogen water generator, and I think my system likely produces water with a very high H2 concentration, much higher than the stick. I drank 250 ml of this homemade system hydrogen water, and it made me even more angry still, presumably because of its higher H2 content.

Being angry is not a nice feeling at all, especially when there is no reason for it (other than the fact that it was triggered by a medication, in this case the hydrogen water). I like to be relaxed and calm.

So with this side effect, hydrogen water may not be viable for me, unless I use low doses, below the threshold where it triggers anger.
I like to be relaxed and calm too...I haven't noticed this particular effect of the H2 water though I don't think it's improved my generally testy mood either. Basically it's just the mild queasiness for me...


Well-Known Member
I think a testy mood unfortunately comes with the territory when you have ME/CFS. Irritability is even mentioned as one of the ME/CFS symptom in the CDC criteria for CFS.

One drug that I found pretty helpful for soothing irritability is very low dose amisulpride (I take just 12.5 mg daily, well below the 1,200 mg dose used for anti-psychotic purposes).

The other thing I found reduces the irritability symptom is estriol, at low doses of around 0.2 mg to 0.3 mg daily, taken transdermally on my skin (estriol has anti-autoimmune effects, which is why I initially took it).


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen came up in my research again - I never studied it before, but apparently it's significant. Veet and others - NADH is allegedly one of the strongest antioxidants you can take. I didn't know that, so I never took it regularly, but since I just learned that, I'm going to start taking it daily. NOW brand has NADH with ribose for mitochondria support.

Hip - tried the Tempol, but it's so bitter I can't take it. It's fresh-squeezed lemon x 100. I have to get empty capsules to put it in. Did you find a place that sold it in pills?

NADH has some link with hydrogen: http://www.co-e1.com/science/nadh/


Well-Known Member
Hip - tried the Tempol, but it's so bitter I can't take it. It's fresh-squeezed lemon x 100. I have to get empty capsules to put it in. Did you find a place that sold it in pills?

Wow, you must have some genetics that make your taste buds perceive tempol as very bitter, because I hardly sense any taste to it at all. For me it's just mildly bitter, and the taste disappears within 30 seconds.

I cannot remember if stomach acid disables tempol or not, so I am not sure if taking tempol orally is viable.

What you could also try is applying the tempol powder transdermally on your skin: rubbing the powder onto you skin (eg, your thighs or arms), and then just adding a few drops of water to help the powder absorb into the skin.


Well-Known Member
Hip - you hit the nail on the head - I'm acutely sensitive to everything! I guess it is genetic. My family laughs because I have an unmatched sense of smell too. The taste lingered in my mouth. I tried to get pills, but the company refused to sell it to me because I gave a home address. That's a good idea to take it transdermally - I desperately want it to work, and don't want to take a chance of it being ruined by digestive enzymes. Thanks very much for the tip. I'm open if you or anyone else has any more. It's good to have someone else come up with something you haven't thought of - that's why I like this site. I have some DMSO - I can mix it with the gel and apply it, so that will ensure it gets absorbed. My symptoms grew severe, and I need anything I can to stop oxidative stress. I never knew how many body systems were affected by oxidative stress - even causing your vascular system to swell and blocking circulation. I'm taking antioxidants, but they're only working to a point. I need to find something stronger.

I'm surprised that as important as SOD is - there doesn't seem to be companies putting it in a form that is usable. The only choice is to take it with the gliadin - and if you're wheat intolerant, you can't take it. I read where the French were able to use melon and it was absorbed, but I can't find any specially encapsulated melon. I'm uncertain how the French did it. I think Veet tried it, and it didn't work. So I'll try the Tempol transdermally. If someone finds a SOD that's made from melons, that is specially encapsulated, I hope they post that - or however they have found to raise the body's antioxidants. When I researched the Tempol and found one company that made it, I was like a kid in a candy store - they had multiple Nrf2 activators, and an array of antioxidants - but they refused to sell them to me. The one PubMed article I read, said that pharmaceutical Nrf2 activators worked really well, but the otc activators had only 'mild' benefits.

@Cort - I hope you can do an article on Nrf2 activators. I'm certain everyone on here can benefit. Maybe someone else can find research that I've missed and knows where to buy a stronger Nrf2 activator.


Well-Known Member
@Remy, do you notice any increase in anger or irritability when taking hydrogen rich water?

I have now tried two types of hydrogen rich water, and they both seem to trigger anger or irritability in me (but then I find I am prone to this anger side effect, because I also get angry from hormonal supplements like DHEA or pregnenolone; I think the anger may result from my viral meningitis 10 years ago, because meningitis brain damage can result in anger and irritability issues).

One type of hydrogen rich water I tried was made from a $5 stick that I bought (the type of stick shown in the image I posted earlier), and this water made me energized, but also mildly more angry. I drank around 500 ml of that water each day.

But today I tried my own homemade system of producing hydrogen rich water, which works in a similar way to the 7.0 ppm Aquela hydrogen water generator, and I think my system likely produces water with a very high H2 concentration, much higher than the stick. I drank 250 ml of this homemade system hydrogen water, and it made me even more angry still, presumably because of its higher H2 content.

Being angry is not a nice feeling at all, especially when there is no reason for it (other than the fact that it was triggered by a medication, in this case the hydrogen water). I like to be relaxed and calm.

So with this side effect, hydrogen water may not be viable for me, unless I use low doses, below the threshold where it triggers anger.
I happened to read your reply on irritability. I have this - a lot. So estriol worked? I am prescribed it but don't use it often, but will now. Of course, I'm in a lot of pain, which causes irritability, but I am trying everything humanly possible to repair myself and tamp down symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Hip - you hit the nail on the head - I'm acutely sensitive to everything! I guess it is genetic. My family laughs because I have an unmatched sense of smell too. The taste lingered in my mouth. I tried to get pills, but the company refused to sell it to me because I gave a home address. That's a good idea to take it transdermally - I desperately want it to work, and don't want to take a chance of it being ruined by digestive enzymes. Thanks very much for the tip. I'm open if you or anyone else has any more. It's good to have someone else come up with something you haven't thought of - that's why I like this site. I have some DMSO - I can mix it with the gel and apply it, so that will ensure it gets absorbed. My symptoms grew severe, and I need anything I can to stop oxidative stress. I never knew how many body systems were affected by oxidative stress - even causing your vascular system to swell and blocking circulation. I'm taking antioxidants, but they're only working to a point. I need to find something stronger.

I'm surprised that as important as SOD is - there doesn't seem to be companies putting it in a form that is usable. The only choice is to take it with the gliadin - and if you're wheat intolerant, you can't take it. I read where the French were able to use melon and it was absorbed, but I can't find any specially encapsulated melon. I'm uncertain how the French did it. I think Veet tried it, and it didn't work. So I'll try the Tempol transdermally. If someone finds a SOD that's made from melons, that is specially encapsulated, I hope they post that - or however they have found to raise the body's antioxidants. When I researched the Tempol and found one company that made it, I was like a kid in a candy store - they had multiple Nrf2 activators, and an array of antioxidants - but they refused to sell them to me. The one PubMed article I read, said that pharmaceutical Nrf2 activators worked really well, but the otc activators had only 'mild' benefits.

@Cort - I hope you can do an article on Nrf2 activators. I'm certain everyone on here can benefit. Maybe someone else can find research that I've missed and knows where to buy a stronger Nrf2 activator.
I hope Cort sees this - I can't find the button he spoke of.

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