The Principle I Followed to Restore My Health


Active Member
Thanks @tatt for the tip.

I am aware of the same and I also felt the posts were long.

For those of you who need it short, please see my mind maps:

If any individual is dealing with a health condition where the individual is on his / her own to heal / restore health you may have to know the details of what others did. And may have to read a lot. For some fortunately they have someone in their life who read, go to the micro level details and support them to recover. Like me some others are not so lucky, they have to read, read, read and start action to recover. And some people need details.

I will see to balance or post multiple posts if sharing details are necessary.

Have fun,

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Well-Known Member
Thanks @tatt for the tip.

I am aware of the same and I also felt the posts were long.

If any individual is dealing with a health condition where the individual is on his / her own to heal / restore health you may have to know the details of what others did.
Have fun,


I read a lot of recovery stories but I don't read long posts from those who seem likely to want to sell something and those who dont sound as if they had ME. I've skimmed it and decided not to bother.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
If you google Noni juice and India, there are a ton of places that sell it there. I suspect we have a salesman in our midst.


Active Member

Before responding to your post, I took Cort's feedback on why I am being perceived as salesman. He offered me his two cents.

Since ME/CFS people have tried a lot, and they do not see a solution. If someone is asserting on the result, and say they have a solution, then mostly they think you are selling them something.

I also thought that may be my long posts and lot of information in short period of time might have also contributed.

Given this learning, I will alter my communication to put the point across simple.

My objective is simple: I know how my own people see me for not able to live my life well. For me more than the disorder social stigmas and wrong assessment of the condition are incapacitating. So I know the journey I had gone through. Since I strongly believe in my own solution, I gained advantage, I want to help as many people as possible to recover.

Once again thanks for your replies which triggered mixed feelings in me. I take those valuable points and ignore the other aspects.

Hope we will start to have fun together soon.

Have fun,



Active Member

Please accept my apology for not being sensitive to the reading requirement of fellow ME / CFS individuals.

Since I read a lot by forcing myself, I did not think about it.

I am re-designing my work and will have small posts and put the point across. Once I do that, I will inform you again, if you chose you can read again.


Well-Known Member
Which, if any mantras have you used? I like mantras a lot :)

I have been listening to Dr.Nippun Aggarwal on youtube which is fun.
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Active Member
Thanks @Empty for your link. I did not see this.

How hard it is in India?

I told some of my family members, who are very important to me I would try one last time to make you understand the true nature of the disorder. Even if I do that, still I may be asked to prove that I actually have what I said, and you are not saying to to avoid responsibility in life.

Then I would be stuck. I am pretty sure for others in India even harder due to very poor awareness of the same and lack of financial resources.

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@Empty, Your suggestion for another thread, is a good idea.

Almost everyone is well informed on the disorder. I see the following are missing:

1. A hope that we have a solution.
2. FMS / CFS being a multi symptom multi organ we are also missing to see a solution addressing the whole.

People actually are talking what they did for a particular symptom and recovered from the same. But it is not giving hope that one would recover completely.

So I chose to focus on discussing solutions and other recovery stories. This should give hope to everyone that we can recover and live well as we progress.

You may want to see my other post talking about the same:

Have fun,



Active Member
Which, if any mantras have you used? I like mantras a lot :)

Gayatri Mantra - I like a lot and most popular.

As part of my treatment protocol, I used to recite lot of mantras inside "mantras healing" regime between 2005 and 2008. Since I did not understand or consciously experience the benefits I stopped.

These days I experience a deeper soothing impact of the mantras while listening.

I do transcendental mediation regularly.

Our elders say - the more you listen or recite the mantras and practice meditation your brain will be more receptive for good in life and you will able to resolve life problems lot easier.

Now I experience the same. I am not sure how I can attribute this to meditation and mantras, if at all.


Well-Known Member

Please accept my apology for not being sensitive to the reading requirement of fellow ME / CFS individuals.

Since I read a lot by forcing myself, I did not think about it.

I am re-designing my work and will have small posts and put the point across. Once I do that, I will inform you again, if you chose you can read again.

If you dont think about it then you probably didnt have CFS, one of the reasons for the scepticism to your posts.


Active Member
If you really think that I do not have CFS, then it is really superb for me.

After this very long and struggled journey, at this point of time the name of the discomforts in the physical body is not important for me.

What is most important for me at personal level: by following certain life style day by day improving my sense of wellbeing and I reach a stage to sustain my energy levels to be productive to the extent of full time job, support my family and living a happy life.

It is least important for me whether I am solving hypochondria or mitochondria and the stigmas surrounding the same.

Thanks for your comment. You are encouraging me to think I am completely healthy. I am eagerly waiting for the day "I say I worked full time job continuously three months" as I started to look for job again.

This was what exactly I told one of my doctor friends yesterday.

This is how I am taking your comment apart from the need to change my presentation style and approach.


Well-Known Member
@Hari Thanks for sharing the info on your posts to me. I do hope you are able to work full time again and consistently. However check out Sweden and their 6 hour working days! Increased profits, happier, healthier staff. This is taking off globally. This coupled with a four day working week at the same salary is a balanced life imo. I know how important money is but fundamentally, consciousness is shifting to this. It can be devastating to the ego, loss of status, not being able to bring in the wages etc. Worse is family members who do not understand how the disease is and tag on labels which are simply untrue - lazy, shirking responsibility, hypochondria, etc. when we are in need of compassion.

On the noni juice, I just don't have a 'calling' to it. People will have their own intuition as to whether or not give something a go.
I have never come across this fruit before and am very happy to learn about it.

You maybe pleased to see I have though watched this youtube clip of a man eating a noni fruit. The blue cheese fruit! Have you eaten the fruit direct? What does it taste like in its natural state to you?



Active Member
I do hope you are able to work full time again and consistently. However check out Sweden and their 6 hour working days! Increased profits, happier, healthier staff. This is taking off globally. This coupled with a four day working week at the same salary is a balanced life imo.......

@Empty, thanks a lot for pointing on Sweden's new work culture. This gave me a new way of thinking on how can I be more productive.

It is also interesting to know Sweden is in the top 10 list of to happy countries.

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Worse is family members who do not understand how the disease is and tag on labels which are simply untrue - lazy, shirking responsibility, hypochondria, etc. when we are in need of compassion

Thanks again.

Since I understood my family members good attitude and lovely personality, I could allow them to be the way they are, and in turn they did the same for me. This has it own good and bad. The good, is over a period of time I and my wife are enjoying good relationship, and I could work on my health in peace if not with ease and comfort, be happy despite the struggles. The bad is - more and stronger stigmas, my recovery delayed, deeper career and financial crisis. Some time I feel like running away from all these.

At conscious level, Landmark Education gives me the ability to distinguish aspects of life and move on with confidence and exhibit courage.

Sometimes I attribute my powerful inner ability (or subconscious pre-programmed response) to cope up with situations to mantras and meditation I practice. As you know it is subjective, I can not quantify or establish a link.

Thanks for your support, I will update from time to time on my job.


Active Member

I never ate noni fruit but saw the trees in Malaysia. Some say young noni fruit is sour, and ripen one is so pungent. I know a company in Malaysia that manufactures noni juice form young noni fruit. Most manufacture from ripen one.

I drank raw noni juice from ripen fruit (not processed or added other herbs). My experience was 'vomiting fruit', but the person in video does not want to call the same. Since I could not drink it for long, I chose to use other brands where they add more medicinal herbs and has comfortable taste. Surprisingly the health benefit is same for both.

Even more surprisingly, one of my friends uses the raw noni juice that I did not like, but he likes it. He thanks me for recommending it for his heart problem.


Active Member
@Empty, thanks lot for your encouragement.

At various stages various things helped me - nutrition, landmark education, yoga, organic diet, continuous reading.

I constantly ask 'what is missing so that I am still recovering, not recovered?'. And modify my regime accordingly. I see the process I follow to identify the protocol and the result is perfect at every stage, and need to improve the regime. So I maintain the process to identify what is missing and change regime as I evolve for better results.

I did not get right at first. After certain degree of mastery on how to use or practice any thing effectively, I started to see progress. That turned hope and belief to confidence on that particular aspect.

I am doing everything that is natural, easy and well acceptable methods so that it can be replicated by others. We are struggling as we do not know the "best protocol" for desired result. I believe the solution already exists. The quest is to find it. Even bigger quest is to follow it. :):)

The following two books significantly contributed a lot in my conclusions:

1. What your doctor does not know about nutritional medicine may be killing you? - Ray D Strand (this book translated in to many Indian languages)
2. Belief of Biology - by Bruce Lipton
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Dear All,

By 2011 after having some progress in restoring my health from FMS / CFS (SEID - Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease - is the new name) I developed the principle:

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Our body has certain natural intelligence to maintain harmony in every function and stay healthy. The ability is being hampered due to various kinds of stress - emotional, physical or environmental.

There is certain natural intelligence exists in the nature that helps our body to restore and maintain the harmony. If we can provide the same to our body through emotional well being, diet, and moderated physical exertion our body will progress towards being healthy which is the natural state of our being.
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Then I designed my activities and life style based on the same and achieved good results as of Sept 2015. Please read about me to know the results details. And now I am sure to restore my health by Aug 2016.

Without going into details on what I did, please let me know your view and opinion of the above principle. In my next posts, based on the response I receive, will go into details of what I did and the results I produced, one at a time.

Have fun,

I am surprised how well I followed a process that that is what is exactly needed to restore my health. With little knowledge and insight I followed my gut feeling, at the end it turned out to be it is what is required exactly.

Please read the CFS Catastrophe theory and see what you can learn from the same.

Thanks to @Suella Postles for the following post.
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You may want to look at this chapter in Dr. Sarah Myhill's 2015 book about how we get into and get out of ME. Written by one of her patients who is a mathematician, it makes it clear how we can recover and then relapse. This keeps me using those techniques which lower or remove my symptoms and gives me hope.

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Sounds like Gupta amygdala retraining. I have the book and will try it again. I feel my sympathetic nervous system is on full throttle and don't know how to turn it down.


Active Member
Sounds like Gupta amygdala retraining. I have the book and will try it again. I feel my sympathetic nervous system is on full throttle and don't know how to turn it down.

Oh! really. I just read Gupta's background, but never got into details. Thanks for the info any way. I will see if I can explore.

What do you mean by 'my sympathetic nervous system is on full throttle? What you think are the main symptoms (or out comes of the same).

In my case - I feel hyper active combined with discomfort, can not concentrate or even take rest until I exhaust completely. This happens when I miss pacing and over exert. After complete exhaustion I need to relax on bed by closing eyes from few hours to days (max was two days). Then I would have good sleep, and become normal with no malaise.

I just woke up at 11 AM India time after such session (about 8 hours). After I gained stamina through protein and noni juice the rest required is few hours before I get into good and continuous sleep mode.

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After I learned about fasting I am experimenting with various methods now. I see good progress with setbacks.

My latest realization is - eating less or giving body required energy when it I feels hungry with high nutrient diet is the key to recovery. Prior to this I was food junkie, almost ate everything that was in my eye sight :).

Systematic fasting combined with good nutrition is triggering the 'inner intelligence to heal the body' or healing crisis.

I am participating in a fasting forum and sharing my progress, you can see my progress if you like.

Have fun,

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