The Principle I Followed to Restore My Health

Oh! really. I just read Gupta's background, but never got into details. Thanks for the info any way. I will see if I can explore.

What do you mean by 'my sympathetic nervous system is on full throttle? What you think are the main symptoms (or out comes of the same).

In my case - I feel hyper active combined with discomfort, can not concentrate or even take rest until I exhaust completely. This happens when I miss pacing and over exert. After complete exhaustion I need to relax on bed by closing eyes from few hours to days (max was two days). Then I would have good sleep, and become normal with no malaise.

I just woke up at 11 AM India time after such session (about 8 hours). After I gained stamina through protein and noni juice the rest required is few hours before I get into good and continuous sleep mode.

**** *****
Oh! really. I just read Gupta's background, but never got into details. Thanks for the info any way. I will see if I can explore.

What do you mean by 'my sympathetic nervous system is on full throttle? What you think are the main symptoms (or out comes of the same).

In my case - I feel hyper active combined with discomfort, can not concentrate or even take rest until I exhaust completely. This happens when I miss pacing and over exert. After complete exhaustion I need to relax on bed by closing eyes from few hours to days (max was two days). Then I would have good sleep, and become normal with no malaise.

I just woke up at 11 AM India time after such session (about 8 hours). After I gained stamina through protein and noni juice the rest required is few hours before I get into good and continuous sleep mode.

**** *****

After I learned about fasting I am experimenting with various methods now. I see good progress with setbacks.

My latest realization is - eating less or giving body required energy when it I feels hungry with high nutrient diet is the key to recovery. Prior to this I was food junkie, almost ate everything that was in my eye sight :).

Systematic fasting combined with good nutrition is triggering the 'inner intelligence to heal the body' or healing crisis.

I am participating in a fasting forum and sharing my progress, you can see my progress if you like.

Have fun,


After I learned about fasting I am experimenting with various methods now. I see good progress with setbacks.

My latest realization is - eating less or giving body required energy when it I feels hungry with high nutrient diet is the key to recovery. Prior to this I was food junkie, almost ate everything that was in my eye sight :).

Systematic fasting combined with good nutrition is triggering the 'inner intelligence to heal the body' or healing crisis.

I am participating in a fasting forum and sharing my progress, you can see my progress if you like.

Have fun,

Oh! really. I just read Gupta's background, but never got into details. Thanks for the info any way. I will see if I can explore.

What do you mean by 'my sympathetic nervous system is on full throttle? What you think are the main symptoms (or out comes of the same).

In my case - I feel hyper active combined with discomfort, can not concentrate or even take rest until I exhaust completely. This happens when I miss pacing and over exert. After complete exhaustion I need to relax on bed by closing eyes from few hours to days (max was two days). Then I would have good sleep, and become normal with no malaise.

I just woke up at 11 AM India time after such session (about 8 hours). After I gained stamina through protein and noni juice the rest required is few hours before I get into good and continuous sleep mode.

**** *****

After I learned about fasting I am experimenting with various methods now. I see good progress with setbacks.

My latest realization is - eating less or giving body required energy when it I feels hungry with high nutrient diet is the key to recovery. Prior to this I was food junkie, almost ate everything that was in my eye sight :).

Systematic fasting combined with good nutrition is triggering the 'inner intelligence to heal the body' or healing crisis.

I am participating in a fasting forum and sharing my progress, you can see my progress if you like.

Have fun,

Hari, my mind is always busy worrying about symptoms & it triggers more adrenaline & other stress chemicals which then causes more symptoms which then causes more worries about the symptoms, and so on, creating a vicious circle. I have debilitating fatigue but am wired, anxious all the time. Brain fog, severe blurred vision,insomnia & severe anxiety.


Active Member
Hari, my mind is always busy worrying about symptoms & it triggers more adrenaline & other stress chemicals which then causes more symptoms which then causes more worries about the symptoms, and so on, creating a vicious circle

I was like this. I am still like this in some aspects of my life. The following was what I did, and still do from time to time:

1. I made a list of things I do not want
2. I made a list of things I want
3. Examined both, started to think and feel more of what do I want. While I am aware of what I do not want.

I accepted what I had, and what I did not and started to take steps towards obtaining, even little by little, what I want. As much possible started to think and feel what I want. (it was not easy).

I told my brain repeatedly - accept that I have these things or disorder that I do not want. Once I accept I do not resist the disorder. What we resist persists.

On diet: I said I love sugars. I eat a lot. But I want health building foods.
On health: I can not wake up and work for more than few hours. I want to wake up work 14 to 18 hours a day. Sleep only 6 to 8 hours. (after my 5 days fasting, I see I am accelerating towards the same).

Now my life started to dominate by the things I want.

In the process healthy diet, personal transformation helped me a lot, to keep up with the progress. Now both intermittent fasting and long fasts are playing good role.

The entire process for first transformation was months. Now once I observe any aspect, changing mentally is very fast - at times I just have to tell my brain once. Some times it is few days to weeks of work.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I am surprised how well I followed a process that that is what is exactly needed to restore my health. With little knowledge and insight I followed my gut feeling, at the end it turned out to be it is what is required exactly.

Please read the CFS Catastrophe theory and see what you can learn from the same.

Thanks to @Suella Postles for the following post.
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You may want to look at this chapter in Dr. Sarah Myhill's 2015 book about how we get into and get out of ME. Written by one of her patients who is a mathematician, it makes it clear how we can recover and then relapse. This keeps me using those techniques which lower or remove my symptoms and gives me hope.

**** ****
Long posts are harder to read but I actually like how you are laying out what worked step by step...
On a scale of 1-10 with ten being perfect health - where would you say you are now?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Hari, my mind is always busy worrying about symptoms & it triggers more adrenaline & other stress chemicals which then causes more symptoms which then causes more worries about the symptoms, and so on, creating a vicious circle. I have debilitating fatigue but am wired, anxious all the time. Brain fog, severe blurred vision,insomnia & severe anxiety.
I've decided that this is a big problem. For decades I though this wired anxious feeling was secondary to my ME/CFS which is not nearly so severe as yours. Now I think it's pretty important. My guess is that it reflects a burnt out autonomic nervous system. Dr. Bell's story of woman having panic attacks because of blood volume problems is probably pertinent.

The good news is that I think the wired and anxious problems can be dealt with to some extent - not sure how much. The bad news is that at least for me it's taking a long time but any progress is good.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I read a lot of recovery stories but I don't read long posts from those who seem likely to want to sell something and those who dont sound as if they had ME. I've skimmed it and decided not to bother.
Gotta watch out for sounding like a salesman Hari :)...Hari couldn't keep working and traveled from doctor to doctor to doctor spending all his money ( and some of his friends and families' money :meh:) - I think whatever it was it was pretty significant.

(For me I don't know where to draw the line between ME and ME/CFS and CFS - my key questions are whether someone had to stop working, did they look hard for help and did they have to give up a lot? )
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for your detailed posts and info. I think 'ancient knowledge' plus sensible living may be very helpful. I actually put my sacrum out ( and had big problems) in yoga - had to be very careful about over stretching. I actually tried Noni juice - think it helped, but very expensive here. I believe it boosts Serotonin. .?


Active Member
Thanks @Merida for your reply.

I agree with you on yoga. If over stretching would be counter productive. For me it is my hands - they hyper extend. I have a good guru, he keeps on reminding me, and props help me to keep myself in good shape. I practice BKS Inengar style.

On noni juice, I am glad to hear that it helped you. For me it played pivotal role in my recovery. In India also it is very expensive. I have a kind person US$9 for 900 ml, instead of US$25 MRP. I used to consume 100 ml to 150 ml per day.


Active Member
Long posts are harder to read but I actually like how you are laying out what worked step by step...

Cort, thanks for your support and feedback from time to time.

I am planing to retell my story in small posts, and even easier way to comprehend. I will take time as I am completely involved in fasting.


Active Member
On a scale of 1-10 with ten being perfect health - where would you say you are now?

I want to divide my answer to the following aspects, as the activity is going on in my life right now.

I consider perfect health for this purpose:
Ability to wake up everyday morning, continue to do daily routine with ease, without any discomfort or relapse in any related FMS / CFS symptoms.

Before fasting: (before October 1st or I started to participate in this forum)
I would rate 8 to 9. As I could work from home everyday for 10 to 12 hours.

If I have to go out to some office and work - I would rate as 7. Any kind of travel would trigger PEM or PER the next day. (BTW I am lucky to have my cousins office, I go and test myself for how long and how well I can work).

After fasting for 5 days between Oct 22 and Oct 26, 2015, and continue to eat organic diet moderately and in 8 hours window and giving 16 hours gap after my next meal:

I would rate some days as 10. Most of the days 9.
If I have to go to office then 7 to 8.


Active Member
Gotta watch out for sounding like a salesman Hari :)...Hari couldn't keep working and traveled from doctor to doctor to doctor spending all his money ( and some of his friends and families' money :meh:) - I think whatever it was it was pretty significant.

Thanks Cort for your support and understanding.

I am giving these numbers just to let others understand the impact, struggle I went through to obtain the result. In the process I almost lost all my good relationships, lost career ground, and did not give good life to my wife and daughter.

The amount of money I spent in India is very huge - a middle class family of 4 can live a decent life without the need to work in their life time in a metro city. If they deposit the money in the bank, with the interest alone they can live. If it is converted into US$ at current exchange rate it would be about $100,000. This investment happened between 1999 and 2015. This does not include my actual living cost and losses in the business I started that too with borrowed money mostly from family and relatives and little from friends.

On the other hand I started to see that I am building a new and powerful life. Only 1 or 2 persons in my life see exactly what I am doing. :)
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Active Member
Dear All,

After the reading the previous post, one may have many questions - on who will help give money for so long for so much and do not ask to return. I am very lucky to have a family, relatives and friends who are very kind and understanding. And they can afford the financial loss. I am sure this is not the case with may who are suffering like me.

When I borrowed money I was in good shape in my career. Now no one is willing to lend me money. Due to the disorder my career went down hill for 12 years. I stopped actively doing something about my career in 2013. Since then I completely focused on my health and improved a lot.

The unfortunate aspect of my life is: most in my life do not even know about FMS / CFS. Those few who know about it do not understand how to treat or keep up. So my close associates started to label me as they like, and my relationships broke over a period of time. A big mess right now.

How am I tacking my career?

In India it is rare to find a job on hourly basis. So I did not have that little chance to make money. I am in touch with the working community and volunteering my time to keep up with the industry trends. Many of the projects I engage are on success model basis: I tell them once you obtain business orders or the investment is concluded then only pay me. Everyone is happy to use my skills and industry connections. I am also happy as I am getting opportunity to engage in big projects / opportunities. I guess you can understand what happens - rarely I get paid. Still I do it to learn more and do better once I recover and start working. I also underwent management and leadership training, that too with help from my family or borrowed money.

Finally one of the projects I involved may pay me well in the very near future. I will share with all of you my career progress as well.

Due to this activity I am able to search for a full time job with confidence.

This is another part of my long journey. I guess every ones life is different but the struggle is same - FMS / CFS. :D


Active Member
Why did I continue to share despite few people considered me as sales man from India?

My family members consider mine as hypochondria, when it actually is mitochondria. Again when I have to defend my communication in forums like this or handle that I am tying to sell something - it is very hard to keep up. I still participate in the forum it because it is the nature of humans "not to accept the unknown' until it becomes familiar.

I also have gone through the same process - I did not accept noni juice / dietary supplements or fasting until I became familiar. I actually took 10 years to accept alternate method as treatment. Doctors in my family told me - alternates do not work, do not even think about it.

I started my alternate method treatment at the end of 2009 after I ran out of all the options. My family still does not believe or accept the same.

I accepted long fasting as solution with little reading as I had been practicing weekly once fasting for religious reasons and saw some health benefits.

Based on my own journey, I kept the 'beating around the bush' aside and focused on the context - share what helped me to recover from FMS / CFS.

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