It's like these guys get so burned out during medical school they stop learning..I've only had one other doctor even bring it up and he had the balls to say it to my face, sort of.
He had replaced my old PCP and asked me every which way he could to try to get me to say I was depressed. When I called him on it was shocked that I knew what he was doing. Duh. How obvious can you be?
I don't remember what I said, if I even addressed it, but I immediately went home and got a new pcp.
This guy didn't even have the nerve to say it to my face.
If you saw bus letter to my PCP you wouldn't believe. Not only does he not know about ME but he is clueless about immune disorders like CVID.
just had another idea. Thanks cort you get me thinking.
Here's a symptom description thread I just created - I thought it was tied to this thread but it wasn't ...where was that description of fleshing burning off one's arms.....?