With the results I am now achieving, I am even more disappointed in those UK Doctors who are so called specialists in CFS heavily recommending and pushing a stone age diet whilst berating vegan/plant based diets.
I was at a really bad point and scooping bloody tablespoons of saturated fat (coconut oi) into my smoothies :-/
This made things worse.
These Doctors have a moral obligation to include High Carb Low Fat diet information and to be fully up to date in fact on the science of plant based diets instead of being biased and heavily influenced by atkins, so that patients know about it and can choose.
My personal belief is that the stone age diet is causing patients to die prematurely. I think cleaning up the diet, getting rid of dairy, gluten may cause improvement, however then over a longer period, the high fat, high animal protein is causing cancer, heart disease etc.
These Doctors also like the holistic view point, incorporating emotional/spiritual/mental levels. However, those patients whose eating habits have already been aligned with their intuition, with their ethics i.e. not wanting to cause suffering to the animals, the planet, the starving children etc are being completely undermined with unecessary and unscientific pressure put on them to eat animals with the promise of health in return.
It is really disturbing.
In short, I think prescribing a stone age diet amounts to medical negligence.
I would advise any plant based patients who have been given this advice to make formal complaint. Also any patients taking on the stone age diet who develop cancer,heart disease etc. to make formal complaint also.