What Antioxidants Do You Use

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Well-Known Member
Theres a massive big post on b2 on pr. Many used it in high doses, low doses. They were adding co-factors etc. A few felt better but i dont recall any recoveries.

That B2 I love you thread is huge. And many people discovered it's not that simple to just take B2 in a vaccuum. All the other B2 have to be balanced.

Many people found that there is this huge trickle down effect. Too much B2 depletes something else etc and can cause tons of other problems. I don't remember specifics but Mary had problems balancing them.

Its irresponsible to post a bunch of studies then say "oh I have the cure" just take biotin without looking at the big picture of not just antioxidants but the disease In its entirety.


Well-Known Member
Theres a massive big post on b2 on pr. Many used it in high doses, low doses. They were adding co-factors etc. A few felt better but i dont recall any recoveries.

I dont think theres a one treatment for all. At the moment i dont think cfs is one disease. We need to wait for more research on biomarkers etc to group patients properly.

I KNOW THERE IS NOT ONE TREATMENT FOR EVERYONE. Read my posts, I keep saying that.

Nevermind. It seems even being better is not good enough,


Well-Known Member
That B2 I love you thread is huge. And many people discovered it's not that simple to just take B2 in a vaccuum. All the other B2 have to be balanced.

Many people found that there is this huge trickle down effect. Too much B2 depletes something else etc and can cause tons of other problems. I don't remember specifics but Mary had problems balancing them.

Its irresponsible to post a bunch of studies then say "oh I have the cure" just take biotin without looking at the big picture of not just antioxidants but the disease In its entirety.


I know why I need B2, I see it in my genetics. were those people looking at there genetics like I am? No.

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Well-Known Member
Theres a massive big post on b2 on pr. Many used it in high doses, low doses. They were adding co-factors etc. A few felt better but i dont recall any recoveries.

I dont think theres a one treatment for all. At the moment i dont think cfs is one disease. We need to wait for more research on biomarkers etc to group patients properly.

And I am not saying B2 is the cure for everyone, it was MY cure. Someone else might need B6. I do not know what they need, but i know how to find WHAT they need. That is the way of personalized medicine.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to yell.

Plenty of people have a method. That doesn't make their method right, or appropriate for all patients.

It seems even being better is not good enough,
I'm better. Two of my family members are recovered. You are not taking our treatments. Why? Isn't getting better good enough for you?

Do you want me to jump in everywhere and insist that you have to try our treatment and tell you you are ignorant if you don't? Do you want me to tell you the reason you're not trying the treatment that worked for us is that your ego is getting in the way? I doubt it. The rest of us don't like it coming from you either.

Start a thread and talk all you like about what worked for you. If you think your information is relevant to another thread's topic, link to your thread and those who want to read it will go there. Then let the the thread continue on the original topic.

If you have marvelously valuable information, lots of people will go to your thread to learn more. All the info will be in one place, easy for them to find. There will be lots of discussion there. You can tell them all you know about your hypothesis at great length. Everyone will be happy.


Well-Known Member
Start a thread and talk all you like about what worked for you. If you think your information is relevant to another thread's topic, link to your thread and those who want to read it will go there. Then let the the thread continue on the original topic.

Can you pass that on to the person in this thread who wouldn't give up about selenium being bad even though she has written about it in her own thread?



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
This blow up occurred when a statement was made - that's not logical - or something like that - without providing facts to back it up. That doesn't work and it was pretty much guaranteed to send Croatan into outer orbit.

Everybody please watch the declarative statements. It's always best - as Loki did in an earlier post - to couch statements in the first person - such as to say "I don't get this thread", I don't understand your argument, this is what I think instead something like "This thread sucks", "You're wrong", etc..

Then just keep providing evidence for your assertion - with the understanding that we all come from different places and we're all not going to agree; i.e. we going to have to agree to disagree - as difficult as that it is. I find it very difficult to do but I recognize that it works.

Please also consider the possibility that if the person you're interacting with is not coming around that your post will speak to many more people who are reading it - and aim your assertions at them.

Croatan please consider that it's the tone of some - certainly not all - statements that is upsetting people. You get upset - you say something - they get upset - you get more upset - it just keeps going and going. We gotta get off this roller-coaster.

Please lets focus on the facts as each of us see them and leave room for others to see them in a different way.


Well-Known Member
I'm late to the fireworks. I got told about what was going on and wanted to read it for myself.

Thing is, we are all at different places in our journey. Some of us have a deeper grasp on the science and deeper workings of the body. Not all have that knowledge or understanding. What we feel we know today can be uprooted by tomorrow's science. When I first started in research, I had to look up nearly every word to learn it's meaning. Then do research as to how it applied in the body. It took years for me to learn what I know. I had people trying to help me. They woukd tell me what they knew and expect me to "get it". At that point in my learning that was impossible. I could only "get", what my limited knowledge allowed me to get. Many times I misunderstood what was said or couldn't see it because I didn't have enough of all the "facts or science" behind what was being said. I have many times gone back after years of learning and thought......now I get it. There were times of debate by me and towards me. But usually, with time either I "got" the others point or they "got" mine. This is a good way to learn. When there is debate pour yourself into what is being said and learn all you can about it. It may or may not apply to you. But for sure you will have more knowledge when all is said and done.


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